PinnedPublished inThe Unexpected Autistic LifeFollowing in an Advocate’s FootstepsAdvocating for autism can be an intimidating prospect. It is possible. Find out how and why.May 16, 20246May 16, 20246
PinnedPublished inThe Unexpected Autistic LifeAn Autistic DilemmaDesperation has a way of focusing attention and priorities. If you are late or undiagnosed as autistic, this is what you need to read.Jan 2211Jan 2211
PinnedPublished inThe Unexpected Autistic LifeAre You Your Own Worst Enemy?Once you understand what it means to pathologize mental health, you will see life from an entirely different perspective.Dec 17, 20247Dec 17, 20247
PinnedPublished inThe Unexpected Autistic LifeYou Are Not Alone ParadoxFor at least some autistic people, moral support meant to help make us feel better is not effective. The question is, why?Nov 1, 202413Nov 1, 202413
PinnedPublished inThe Unexpected Autistic LifeMonotropism Employment RevisitedI discovered a conflict between monotropism and employment that can have serious consequences for autistic people.Dec 20, 20244Dec 20, 20244
Published inThe Unexpected Autistic LifeCreating A New Christmas MemoryLet’s end this year on a more empowering note than when it started.Dec 25, 202410Dec 25, 202410
Published inThe Unexpected Autistic LifeWhy Did Psychiatry Not Help Me?For at least some autistic people, psychotropic medication may not be entirely effective. The question is, why?Nov 3, 20244Nov 3, 20244
Published inThe Unexpected Autistic LifeA Lifetime in Eight YearsI have learned a lot along my journey. It is time I looked back at what brought me here today.Oct 11, 20244Oct 11, 20244
Published inThe Unexpected Autistic LifeAutistic Chronophobia RevisitedTrusting my instincts and facing my fear of time revealed what every autistic person needs to know.Oct 11, 20244Oct 11, 20244
Published inThe Unexpected Autistic LifeDear Family and Close FriendsSome things in life take time and courage to say. This is my letter to explain my autism and journey of awareness.Oct 7, 20241Oct 7, 20241