I am a two-time Pennsylvania State University graduate with over 15 years of dedicated community service volunteering. I began as a grassroots advocate in October 2016 and have since highlighted challenging mental health issues as both a published writer and a self-made presenter. Now, my goals are to advance autism research, re-evaluate resource needs for all demographics, improve the quality of existing services, and develop new resources so that the overall quality of autistic life is better than it has been.

It matters how people are treated.

I will not rest in my efforts to achieve reasonable accommodations for autistic employment, improved health care, and a boost to our overall quality of life. This is why I put my strengths and skills on the line every day. Millions of legitimately autistic people all across the world depend on it

Jim R. Irion BA His CJ-M Mental Health Advocate Autistic Writer, Presenter

“A chance can change the world. I'll take that chance.” Jim Irion

“I am more than my autism, but I am me because of it.” Jim Irion

“Autism is not a label. It's a way of life.” Jim Irion “You don't convince people that something is impossible by giving up. You show them it is possible by succeeding.” Jim Irion

“ Where to Go From Here ” Autism Presentation

Presenter, ____ _______ __________ ______ __ ___ ___________; 8/14/2023

“ Autism Sprectrum Disorder - Over the Age of 21 ” Presentation

Presenter, ____ __________ ______ ________ - virtual Town Hall; 1/19/2023 Presenter, Taskforce for Education; 10/26/2022Presenter, ____ _______ __________ ______ __ ___ ___________; 9/22/2022

Previously published writing:

Connect with Jim Irion
Jim Irion

Jim Irion

I am an autistic advocate, writer and presenter. My writing is primary source research material. "A leader leads. They don't walk away when someone needs help."