Excellent deductive reasoning!
I’m not just saying this because, as an autistic advocate, I agree with you. One of the mental health experts I follow, on Twitter, has done research into what believes is autistic people possessing an imbalanced higher intelligence.
The greater the dysfunction at the neurological level the more impaired an autistic person is in what they are capable of doing. Without the imbalance, our IQs would be higher and in fact are in accordance with what our special interests are. I know one who loves mechanics. Know what job they are doing are how good at it they are? Mechanic. He’s amazingly good.
As long as you adhere to objectivity, and keep your assumptions in check, trust your judgment. Trust your logical conclusions. Learn to follow what you observe and deduce your hypotheses accordingly. I humbly believe you will figure out more than you expect to right now.
Take my Autistic Chronophobia Theory. I had a PhD Researcher respond saying, “This puts into words what I’ve tried to figure out and explain in therapy for years!” A PhD! I figured out something a PhD hadn’t because I trusted my instincts, closely observed the experience, and followed objectivity.
Not bad for someone who scored below average on the collegiate SATs, but got the exact same score both times I took it that same year. The math and reading comprehension were just flipped.