For those who read this and see what I highlighted (in the response above), as an experienced autistic advocate this is exactly what my presentation and ongoing research is all about proving.
Late diagnosed autistic adults, such as Autist of Kent and myself, plus several others I’ve connected with on Twitter, had our socioeconomic development ruined because our natural autism was ignored by experts for so long.
Too long.
As a direct result of this failure by mental health professionals our lives have been permanently damaged and increased the exposure to long-term trauma with an untold array of complications affecting our mental health.
Now we’re stuck because administrators and employers don’t want to create common sense accommodations to assist in getting us integrated into society on our terms. Accommodations such as with job interviews and while employed to prevent discrimination and being fired for double empathy issues.
Regardless of age, autistic adults like Autist of Kent and I need to be prioritized along with those who are younger. Because if we need supports to integrate into society, so do a ton of other autistic people who are younger and struggling as well. Especially those who are not disgnosed to know for sure, but still are autistic.