I’d have to say after having had five articles previously published (Oct.2018-Jan.2020), of which it was actually the editor process by which I hated that the notion of my writing being altered by and the nature of the writing prompt to pick the choice of topic versus what I wanted, now I have fully embraced writing foremost for me.
Since April 2022, I’ve observed a lot of autistic people on Twitter to learn more about myself through comparative analysis. I made the critical connection that autism was in fact a far bigger influence on my life, and that of others I was observing as well. This was July 2022. But I hadn’t returned to writing yet.
Not until a follower on Twitter encouraged me to write again (December 2022) did I work out that paradox of unfamiliarity with publishing and writing for what was driving me. Once I did, I have now come to recognize that I am writing about what I want.
But I’m also writing for those problems they have that are afflicting my life most seriously of all. I am not ignoring what they might want me to write about. I am writing about serious issues we are facing, some of which are holding me back. So, when you really look at my writing, I’m writing for me - and - many of them.
A synergy. One that starts with me and is very much purpose driven, but relates to what autistic people need. Not all doom and gloom. A precarious balance of realism and positivism.