No one knows where they will be five years from now. I never expected to be where I am five months ago before my mental healthcare provider forcibly discharged me. Not much has changed except the stress has gone in one direction: up. The answers I wish I had are just not there because scarcely any effective supports exist for autistic adults. I ended up doing one of the things that has consistently helped me cope with stress.
From the end of May to mid-July, I pushed myself to complete new writing. This time, though, it is different. More stress and no path forward in my life mean that this writing has less of a filter than before. I wrote about my schizotypal personality disorder for the first time, de-pathologizing autism as a defect, and a lot more about autism and suicide. What exactly is a ‘bucket list writing tour?’ Let’s find out.
Back in April, Kristy Mickelsen offered me an opportunity to be on her world-renowned podcast. I was excited as much for that as for the chance to share my advocacy work during April’s autism awareness month. The times have changed. All has not been well. See what exactly I have already written about this summer and what important writing is coming up for August, September, and a surprise for October. You can find the podcast at the link below:
Kristy Mickelsen’s W.W.A.A. Podcast Be The Voice, Bucket List Writing Tour, August 6, 2024: